Digital skills test: What is it and what is it for?

Posted by Foxize Formación on Sep 4, 2023, 8:56:46 AM

Habilidades digitales

After 7 years and more than 50,000 profiles analyzed by Foxize, the average score of professionals in digital skills was 4.23 out of 10, which means that there is still a long way to go for the digitization of companies.

With Covid and remote work, these shortcomings became more evident, and our relationship with digital also changed. The impact of digitalization on the way we work is a cross-cutting element that affects all employees, regardless of position. It affects productivity, perception of quality and innovation. So no matter how digital a company is, if the culture and mindset of the team is not very digital, it will influence the results.

For this reason, we have decided to renew the Digital Skills test, adapting it to the new post-covid needs. The objective is to measure behaviors that transform the way any professional works in any area.

This diagnosis measures the 9 essential digital skills for professionals:

  •     Information Management: Ability to search, obtain, evaluate, organize and share information in digital contexts.
  •     Digital Communication: Ability to communicate, relate and collaborate efficiently with tools and in digital environments.
  •     Digital Identity: Ability to manage professional and corporate identity efficiently, with tools and in digital environments.
  •     Remote work: Ability to work, collaborate and cooperate in digital environments.
  •     Continuous Learning: Ability to manage learning autonomously, know and use digital resources, maintain and participate in learning communities.
  •     Technological habits and safety: Set of behaviors to take advantage of technology and digital tools in private and professional life, as well as habits related to safety.
  •     (New 2023) Content creation: Ability to create content from scratch or from other content, adapted to different channels, objectives and audiences.
  •     (New 2023) Data literacy: Ability to understand, read, work and communicate with data.
  •     (New 2023) Healthy habits: Set of behaviors that allow us to have a healthy relationship with new technologies.

In addition, the Foxize digital skills test is based on the European Digital Competency Framework (DigComp) benchmark to explain what it means to be "digitally competent", a set of behaviors and attitudes related to technology that transform the way any professional works in any area.

After taking the test, you will get an overall score on the state of your digital skills, as well as a detailed report on each of the different digital skills. In addition, you will also be able to compare yourself with other professionals in your industry and position.